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Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Almedia Laurson Wingert, Knox College, served as Grand President from 1893-1894. This photograph was used at the 1894 Convention.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
This scrapbook page features three photographs of Alpha Beta Chapter members at Cornell University and campus buildings.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
This plaque acknowledges the granting of a charter to Alpha Iota Chapter at Middlebury College on January 12, 1917. The plaque is signed by the officers attending the installation.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
This page features three calling cards, four telegrams, and two envelopes related to congratulations offered to the newly installed Alpha Iota Chapter at Middlebury College.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This page features four envelopes related to, and five calling cards from, a tea given by Alpha Iota Chapter at Middlebury College in honor of R. Louise Fitch, Knox College.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This page details the circumstances surrounding the granting of the Tri Delta charter to Phi Mu Gamma, who then became Alpha Iota Chapter at Middlebury College. It also features a telegram, a note, and five attached enveloppes, on of which contains correspondence, all of which are related to the charter grant.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Museum Collection
This page features an issue of the War Work Bulletin, which provides updates on World War I.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications