The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, Vol. 9, No. 2, February 1900
Feeman, Annie S. Cairns
February 1900
Chapter LifeChapter MembersChristmasCollegiate Chapter ActivitiesCollegiate Chapter Letters in The TridentCollegiate ChaptersConvention DelegatesConventionsDeathsDeathsFiresFraternities and SororitiesHolidaysInterfraternity RelationsNew MembersRecruitmentSigma Alpha Epsilon FraternityThe Trident (Publication)
Anjerson, Mary M. MordenCase, Octa E. WiseDewey, Julia MyersFoster, Lelia Estella RorickJones, Grace E. SmithPalmer, Elizabeth GibbsParsons, Sadie A.Steidle, Clara May Eayrs
Adrian, Michigan
Adrian College
1900s20th Century