The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, Vol. 7, No. 3, April 1898
Walbridge, Isabel M
Alpha Delta Phi FraternityChapter EventsChapter LifeChapter VisitsCollegiate Chapter ActivitiesCollegiate Chapter Letters in The TridentCollegiate ChaptersFraternities and SororitiesGlee ClubsInitiationsInter-Chapter RelationsInterfraternity RelationsNew Member CeremoniesNew MembersRecruitmentTeasThe Trident (Publication)
Atherton, Mary GraceBarnes, Mabelle WilcoxBeeley, Sarah Lydia PeckoverChurch, May WeisHathaway, Charlotte M SeaburyOsborne, Grace R. White
Middletown, Connecticut
Boston UniversityWesleyan University
1890s19th Century