The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, Vol. 11, No. 3, May 1902
Baird, Lillian D. Thomas
May 1902
Chapter EventsChapter LifeChapter VisitsCollege and University PresidentsCollege and University PublicationsColleges and UniversitiesCollegiate Chapter ActivitiesCollegiate Chapter Letters in The TridentCollegiate ChaptersFraternities and SororitiesInter-Chapter RelationsInterfraternity RelationsNew MembersPartiesRecruitmentThe Trident (Publication)
Cooper, Grace FergusonHarrison, Grace HickoxJeffreys, Alice SillimanPorter, Ione Lilliam VoseSweet, Sallie Fisher
Evanston, Illinois
Knox CollegeNorthwestern University
1900s20th Century