The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, Vol. 74, No. 2, Winter 1965
Chapter Birthdays and AnniversariesThe Trident (Publication)
Bailey, Mildred Marie BarnesBiery, Ruby Cary CulpBryant, Clara L.Chambers, Judith McMillinCutton, Clara Margaret RickardErmlich, Elizabeth Jane GeltzFrance, Helen Elaine CopeFrankish, Ellen HuntingtonGilliam, Miriam Tinetta CulpGoodrich, Helen A. RileyGrebe, Veda M. WilsonJames, Dorothea MasonJohnson, Karen Lenore WhitmoreKitzmiller, Eva Lucile FinefrockLiedtke, Doris LindstenMahan, Margaret Lee GunckelMalone, Phyllis BurckMcClintock, Dorothy G. BaconMcDonald, Frances Elizabeth PriddyMcKay, Alexandra Mead GraifMcVay, Elizabeth Moore GoodeMoyer, Lucille RavenscroftRandall, Virginia Ann YakeyReasoner, Ada DuboisRyan, Francine LottridgeScott, Ruth E. EarsemanScranton, Mary LorentzSeybolt, Daisy Frow BonnellShoemaker, Helen Elizabeth EarsemanSmith, Jane Marie MoxleyTaylor, Sara VoreVon Mansfelde, DutyVon Mansfelde, JohannaVore, AnnaWheaton, Martha ScottWiley, Carol L. BensonWoolf, Mildred Lucille Kitzmiller
Delta LambdaDelta NuDelta RhoDelta TauDelta XiKappaMuNuPhi RhoTheta
Beloit CollegeButler UniversityOhio State UniversityUniversity of KentuckyUniversity of MinnesotaUniversity of MissouriUniversity of Mount UnionUniversity of Nebraska-LincolnUniversity of the PacificUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
1960s20th Century