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Tri Delta Foundation Board of Trustees Photograph 1, September 29, 2002

The members of the Tri Delta Foundation Board of Trustees and Fraternity President pose together for a group photograph inside the Executive Office in Arlington, Texas. Sitting down in the first row, from left to right, are Gail Harrison Corvette, Indiana, President Sarah Coons Lindsay, Miami/Ohio, Teri Wenglein, Texas, an unidentified trustee, and Paula White Huffman, Pennsylvania State. Standing in the back row, from left to right, are Anne Pryser Leary, Southern Methodist, an unidentified trustee, Judith Bass Hollow, Tennessee, Rebecca Reynolds, Georgia, Laura Simic, Oregon, Carol Bussing Farmer, Baker, Adelaide Gonzalez Few, Randolph-Macon, and Cari Fitzgerald Cook, Texas/Arlington.