This program contains the menu and lists of toasts and initiates.
Alpha Chapter
March 2nd, 1929
Alumnae MembersChapter EventsCollegiate ChaptersCollegiate MembersInitiatesInitiationsMenusToastmistressesToasts
Bassett, Elizabeth Dee MorganBiggs, Ruth Holmes WoodBuswall, Dorothy SweattCincotti, Constance HartwellFlint, Margaret Ballinge BucknellFraser, Alice Cutter TylerGove, Elizabeth MaddoxGunning, Mabel JuneLeland, Blanche Crosbie McGowanPotter, Nettie Dorothy PritchardPowers, Dorothea Eleanor ThompsonRose, Florence SnowThompson, Janet Quincy
Boston University
1920s20th Century