This program lists the menu, the initiates, and the schedule of events from the 1956 Alpha Chapter at Boston University Initiation Banquet and Dance.
Alpha Chapter
March 10th, 1956
BanquetsChaperonesChapter EventsCollegiate ChaptersCollegiate MembersDancesFormal DancesInitiatesInitiation BanquetsInitiationsMenus
Barrere, Marcia CopenhaverLeuchs, Sandra JoanMansfield, Cynthia Ruth QuimbySmith, Greta StandishStanwood, BarbaraWebster, Ann Shirley HerseyWeeman, Cecelia Elizabeth JacksonWendell, Carol AnnZiedman, Freida
AlphaDelta Pi
Boston UniversityUniversity of Illinois at Urbana
1950s20th Century