The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, Vol. 44, No. 3, March 1935
Engwall, Alice Hall Blasingame
March 1935
Chapter LifeCollegiate Chapter ActivitiesCollegiate Chapter Letters in The TridentCollegiate ChaptersCollegiate MembersHonor SocietiesHonors and AwardsPhi Beta Kappa Honor SocietyThe Trident (Publication)
Bryan, Mary WallaceChristian, Grace Callaway MandevilleColeman, Margaret E. DealCraddock, Winifred Jane BlandGoodloe, Martha Lorraine BedsoleKilpatrick, Frances Talbot WilliamsKirkland, Arlita HauschildtMcFatridge, Margaret DanielMcMahan, Katherine HermionMeriwether, Mary Crawford JonesSmith, Frances Ocllo BoykinSmith, Frances Ocllo BoykinTerrell, Bertha Lee GilesThomas, Louise Viola LovettThornberry, Virginia Lee Morrissett
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Delta Mu
University of Alabama
1930s20th Century