In addition to the dance card, this document lists the chaperones and committee for the Easter dance.
March 30th, 1921
ChaperonesDancesEasterFormal DancesHigh School StudentsHigh SchoolsHolidays
Barr, FredBarr, Mrs.FredDaniels, FrankDaniels, Mrs. FrankDowney, ElmerDowney, Mrs. ElmerHeller, FrankHeller, Mrs. FrankHooven, FrankHooven, Mrs. FrankJenkins, JesseJenkins, Mrs. JesseLeatherman, Mrs. ParkerLeatherman, ParkerLouiso, ByronLouiso, Mrs. ByronMcDowell, Mrs. RobertMcDowell, RobertMustard, FredMustard, Mrs. FredO'Keefe, WalterRamsey, Mrs. O. H.Ramsey, O. H.Silverthorn, HaroldSteimer, Mrs. WilliamSteimer, WilliamWebb, FredWebb, Mrs. FredWitt, HowardWitt, Mrs. Howard
Dance Card
1920s20th Century