The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, Vol. 39, No. 3, March 1930
March 1930
Chapter LifeCollege and University CampusesColleges and UniversitiesCollegiate Chapter Letters in The TridentCollegiate ChaptersCollegiate MembersThe Trident (Publication)
Anderson, Merle H. SchoenenbergerAnderson, Vera Alberta KnoxAndrews, Esther StearnsBelknap, Helen Eleanor StroudBoyum, Katherine I. LiggettBrice, Marjorie Hope StreetCackler, Katharine WeeksClark, Eloise AnthonyDuff, Bernice HowellEdmondson, Mary Margaret TaylorFellows, Catharine L. GillettMiller, JeanNewton, Alice Betsy SpohnPagant, Dorothy E. GiddensSchoenmann, Enid Leota GableSmith, H. ChristineSpear, Electa Elizabeth WidneySpencer, Dorothy MaeStoutner, Bernice Barbara YardeThorngren, Velma Lillian EdmondsonVaughn, Marjorie Helen BartonWaggoner, Dorothy E. EckertWhite, Dorothy France
Simpson College
1930s20th Century