The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, Vol. 39, No. 3, March 1930
March 1930
Alpha ProvinceAlpha Province ConventionsCollege and University BuildingsConventionsHotelsThe Trident (Publication)
Brown, Mary Eliz WoodBurkert, Ethel Virginia BolinChase, Ada Eliz BolinClark, Virginia C. StephensCook, Jane Eliz LackeyCook, Mary Louise LeyshonCowgill, Mary Ann Troy BarrDum, Evelyn Frances DornEckhart, Alice Alma WorleyEder, Thelma Cedonia ScribnerEdwards, Mary Allison BlodgettEmrick, Mary Bentley WoodsHafter, Mary Margaret FuglerHaigler, Eleanor Mae DornHelgerson, E. Ann WilderHenry, Flora Belle BolinHoover, Fern LucilleHopkins, Mary McKoyHosch, Elizabeth KimbroughHowald, Emelia LittlefieldHughes, Louise FitchLawrence, Alberta Annette LeeLuttrell, Elizabeth LouiseMillholland, Dorcas E. SchneidererNordgren, Adeline P. ReynalltPayne, Angie Madge KeithPhillips, Mattie S. TaylorPorthouse, Roberta DiehlPryor, Dorothy Elizabeth EvansReam, Wanda RuthReynolds, June Lois RamrothRichards, Helen EagleRichardson, Jean SnellRobinson, Helen V.Schmitt, Nettie LouiseSeibert, Mary Catharine KellerSharp, Marianna H. PritchardSherman, Eleanor G. WeinlandShirey, Lenore Minthorn McLainStrickling, Marion Lucile LehneSuerdieck, Dorothy Elizabeth HavensTaber, Ruth RobertsTallent, Elizabeth BaconVedder, Dorothy Jane LordWoodward, Caraline G. Cotter
Atlanta, Georgia
1930s20th Century
1930 Alpha South Province Convention