The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, Vol. 36, No. 1, November 1926
Heckman, Frances Amanda
November 1926
Chapter LifeCollegiate Chapter Letters in The TridentCollegiate ChaptersThe Trident (Publication)
Anderson, Jane Eliz PfannBarnum, Mary Alice OneillBurdick, Alice Frances MooresBurkhart, EllenBurrell, Vurna May GaughChurchill, Barbara OsbornCopeland, Loretta MorrisseyDonkle, Jean Mary FishDoyle, Elizabeth Ottilie HirsigDurst, Katharine P. MendenhallFickeisen, Florence CarperFindorff, Arline KathHeckman, Frances AmandaHill, Josephine LucasHolmes, Edith Mae HoltJensen, Isabella Blanche BunkerJordan, Hope Magdalene DahleKurth, Genevieve C.Learned, Mary ElizabethLeonard, Marjorie Burr KingstonLyford, Ruth Kathryn SchiesserMinogue, Marian MillerMusgrave, Betty WorstPaulson, Blanche L. BuhligRuprecht, Marcella Reed SteelSchultz, Elaine G. StewartSheridan, Elsa Krolik BrownStoffel, Catherine E. WilliamsTowle, Margaret Anning MooreWeber, Sylvia OrthWines, Jane Eleanor Page
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1920s20th Century