The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1913
Hunt, Anna Davis
February 1913
Chapter LifeCollegiate Chapter Letters in The TridentCollegiate ChaptersThe Trident (Publication)
Anderson, Hazel ClariceAnderson, Hope SeiboldBetts, Vada KastnerBillingsley, Mabel SmithEastwood, Lelah Edna PoteField, Mila Nelle YockeyHunt, MarionKilbourne, Laurena DykeLane, Adeline Patti MillerPryor, Elizabeth SmithSevison, Lois PorterfieldShriver, Beulah N.Talbot, Nell B. SnowVickery, Agatha IgoWilson, Alice V. Peasley
Simpson CollegeUniversity of Iowa
1910s20th Century