The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, Vol. 29, No. 3, April 1920
April 1920
The Trident (Publication)Weddings
Anderson, Mary Edith LambeAndrews, Marion S. FairbanksArmstrong, Martha Moore MorrowBarnes, Ruth Ayres ChadwickCantrell, Clarissa StephensonCargo, Marie Glenn HenningClark, Adele Irene LeeCrawford, Maud CoffmanEckert, Gertrude May BeldonElder, Gertrude Harriet LarsonForbes, Dorothy Ball McLaughlinGaffney, Kathryn LambGoebel, Mary StewartHage, Marion Melinda VaughanHarr, Marion E. ChristiancyHill, Katherine Abernathy BarrJerde, Leila Evangeline MillerKinnaird, Isabel Dennison A. WestKirst, Zelma Marie NunnamakerKumm, Vivian FordLescher, Ethel MillerLverdal, Clover NewellMarshall, Edna Ankeny LewisMcIntyre, Merle D. MaddenMcManus, Abeline L. SoucherauMellen, Anne RockPruden, Helen R. VenningRennoe, Gertrude Margaret PolenReynolds, Anna PifferRobertson, Marian O. MurphyShaw, Irma LowtherWilson, Lois Marion Davis
AlphaAlpha DeltaAlpha EpsilonBeta ZetaDeltaDelta BetaDelta LambdaDelta NuEpsilonEtaIotaLambdaMuPhiTheta AlphaTheta BetaTheta GammaTheta Theta
Baker UniversityBoston UniversityBrenau UniversityButler UniversityKnox CollegeMiami UniversitySimpson CollegeStetson UniversityTransylvania UniversityUniversity of Colorado BoulderUniversity of IowaUniversity of MichiganUniversity of Mount UnionUniversity of Nevada, RenoUniversity of OklahomaUniversity of VermontUniversity of WashingtonUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
1920s20th Century