This view shows Marsh Chapel at Boston University, which Alpha Chapter uses to this day as the site for initiating new members.

A Society Kind Alike to All

In the fall of 1888 at Boston University, four bright, kind, and hardworking young women were preparing to begin another year of study. All four women were not members of any women's fraternity, feeling that no organization yet existed that suited their needs and values. One of these women, Sarah Ida Shaw, said to her friend Eleanor Dorcas Pond, "Let's found a society that shall be kind alike to all and think more of the girl's inner self and character than of another's appearance." Eleanor eagerly agreed, and two other friends, Isabel Breed and Florence Stewart, soon consented to join. These four women became the founders of Tri Delta, a fraternal organization for women like no other. In this exhibit, learn more about Sarah, Eleanor, Isabel, and Florence, the creation of Alpha Chapter, and the early years of Tri Delta.